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En hop, prijzen weer met 5% gestegen. :D

Naaah, die karren belanden never ever meer op de schroothoop. Rebuild it is....

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eentje minder die ongevalvrij is = win voor de rest

Op dat niveau niet echt hoor...

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't Is al goed hoor, mr. expert, ge hebt gelijk. Chance dat ik het als universele waarheid heb geponeerd zonder smiley, ook!

  • Vind ik leuk 5
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Oké :lolz:


This cannot be topped. Ever.

Is die tour niet elk jaar...? :D Zo in die zalige Spaclassic - Mille Miglia - Villa d'este - Monaco F1 periode

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Is 2de opeenvolgend jaar dat enkele eigenaars dit organiseren, geen officieel McLaren-evenement maar ze sturen wel wat support crew mee. :)

Begin mei verkocht voor 6 miljoen £, ex-Michael Andretti. Koper zit op Pistonheads (3de F1-eigenaar op het forum :lol:) en heeft er ondermeer z'n Zonda en een 275 voor verkocht.



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Er zijn slechtere investeringen :D

quote van 'Flemke', 1 van de andere F1-eigenaars

Since not long after I bought it, I have believed that the value of F1s would rise substantially over the long run.

So far the price's upward path has not been continuous. For the first 2 years after production stopped, which it did primarily owing to lack of demand, one could buy a car at a discount. A guy who was probably telling me the truth once insisted that he was offered a new car by the factory at a huge discount to RRP.

There was an upward tick in 2000-'01, after it became possible to bring cars into the US under Show or Display.

After that prices stayed almost flat until about '05, I think it was. When Ron got £1m (roughly $2m, IIRC) for 065 it was something of a milestone; he had to wait quite a while before the market rose to that price, and that was for a "delivery miles" car. Back then, a difference in price of £100-150k for a car was considered meaningful.

After the Great Recession began, prices might have briefly stopped ascending, but they did not decline. By then, I think, it had become clear that there would never be another car like the F1, not only in purity but also in looks, and that distinction has certainly helped values.

The other thing that has helped has been the incredible proliferation of newly rich, mostly 40-60 y.o. males. People in that demographic are the most likely to want to splash money on flash cars of the sort that they had fantasised about when they were younger. For many of those particular people, the F1 is that car.

Nonetheless, the price rise of the last couple of years has been extraordinary. In I think 2009, when a normal road car was IRO of low $2ms, I said to Harold that I though that, in 5 years' time, the cars would be going for $5m. He was sceptical, and I was only kind-of confident, although I thought it more likely than not.

Anyhow, one thing about markets is that it is senseless to pick a price in advance: "I'll buy, or sell, 'X' when the price gets to 'Y'. One should try only to discern direction. I have no idea at what level the market value of F1s will peak, or when. That is even before one considers that forever is a fairly long time.

I'll say, in the same sense that I said what I did to Harold, that I think that within the next 5 years the cars will be going for $20m or so. Believing that, even if I did want to make a sale, I'd be waiting for another few years, although sometime before the next 5 years have passed the road is likely to be bumpy. It is obvious that, at least in the conventional sense, a lot of people do not have enough money and a few people have too much money. There are ongoing efforts by governments to make that relationship less unequal. This inevitably will influence the market value of rich people's toys.


Maar onderhoudsprijzen zijn best wel geschift, kan nu niet meteen de bedragen vinden maar ik geloof 20k £ voor de brandstoftank (die om de 5 jaar moet vervangen worden).

Flemke's F1 heeft de high mirrors (Z1-spiegels gemonteers op de deurstijl), kostprijs om dat nu te retrofitten op een F1: 18k £

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